How To Clean Prefinished Hardwood Floors

How To Clean Prefinished Hardwood Floors

How To Clean Prefinished Hardwood Floors Prefinished hardwood floors have already been finished at the factory and are ready to be installed. However, despite the ease with which these floors can be installed, maintaining their pristine condition is not always a child’s play.

How To Clean Prefinished Hardwood Floors

If we may bring up children’s games, has your infant or toddler ever stained the floor with food? Do crayon marks appear in every single place?

There is a possibility that the wind from the previous night carried in more debris than you have ever seen in your life. It’s also possible that your dog had an accident. There is no upper limit to What is the best way to clean prefinished hardwood floors? I am looking for maintenance and upkeep tips.

How Do You Clean Hardwood Floors That Have Already Been Prefinished? Maintenance and Upkeep

Regular sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming of your prefinished hardwood floors is the best method to maintain them clean and free of dust and stains. Regular cleaning on a daily and weekly basis can go a long way.

Materials Required

  • Cloth made of microfibers
  • mops made of microfiber
  • Vacuum Cleaner
  • Products that are effective for cleaning hardwood floors


Use a mop made of microfiber to remove dust from your hardwood floors daily. Choose a mop with a head made of microfiber because it will make the task much more straightforward.

Do not use brooms with too rough bristles since this might cause the floor to scratch. Make sure the broom you use has gentle bristles if you plan on using it.

To remove light dust and dirt, use a microfiber mop that has been dampened. It would be best if you didn’t allow any water to remain on the floor, as it will seep into the hardwood and cause damage to the interior. Clean up any puddles that you find straight away.

By using mops that include pads made of replaceable synthetic fiber, you may lessen your impact on the environment. After cleaning, you only need to remove the places and put them in the washing machine. Each will be pristine and brand new in preparation for the subsequent cleaning.

Combining the daily dusting with the weekly vacuuming is also helpful. Even if you dust daily, dust will accumulate in your home’s crevices and other inaccessible areas. When this happens, the vacuum cleaner is there to save the day.

  • Utilize the floor attachment of your vacuum, which comes equipped with a brush made of natural bristles.
  • Clean the entire floor, paying particular attention to removing the dust in the crevices.

How Do You Clean Hardwood Floors That Have Already Been Prefinished? Getting Rid of Those Difficult Stains

How do you clean hardwood floors that have already been prefinished? When dealing with food stains, oil marks, and persistent filth, you must have asked yourself that question.

At Luxury Cleaning NYC, we have experience with stains that could exist. After cleaning hundreds of square feet of prefinished hardwood flooring, we confidently say vigorous scrubbing is not the answer. Instead, try removing typical stains from prefinished hardwood floors with our tried-and-true tips.

Stains from Food

  • To remove food that has become firmly adhered to the floor, insert the tip of a plastic knife under the debris.
  • Gently wiggle the knife in an upward direction.
  • Make a spot remover by wetting a clean microfiber cloth with water and then scraping the stain.
  • It would be best to use a dry microfiber cloth to remove the moisture from the location.
  • If the prefinished hardwood floors in your home have a brilliant finish, the wax coat on the region’s surface could peel off if you insert the knife too deeply. But don’t be concerned about it.

Utilizing a gentle cloth, spread a minuscule amount of hardwood floor wax over the affected area. If you buff it in, the region will blend in with the rest of the floor once you’re done.

Stains from Oil

Trisodium phosphate, or TSP, can remove oil stains from prefinished hardwood floors with either a penetrating or a surface finish. Before beginning to work with TSP, ensure that you are wearing protective eyewear and gloves.

In a gallon of water should, add two tablespoons of trisodium phosphate. First, ensure the water is warm, then check that the bucket is big enough to hold all solutions.

  • Take a piece of microfiber cloth and soak it in this solution.
  • Put the cloth on the oil stain, and working in a circular motion, remove as much of the stain as possible.
  • Please let the TSP remove the oil stain.

  • To remove the TSP from the floor, wet another microfiber cloth with water and then use it to wipe the area down.
  • To absorb any moisture, you might use a dry cloth.

Marks Made by Ink and Water

The removal process for liquid stains, such as those caused by your dog’s urine, ink, or water, can be particularly challenging. If you have a hardwood floor with a brilliant finish, use a safe hardwood floor cleaner and proceed with the instructions outlined below.

  • Sand the stained area using sandpaper with a beautiful grain. Sanding will only need to be done lightly.
  • Scrub the area using a piece of steel wool of grade “00” wetted with mineral spirits.
  • To remove the mineral spirits from the surface, dampen a cloth with water and then use it.
  • To absorb the moisture, a dry cloth should be used.

  • Using a microfiber cloth of a gentler grade, apply some hardwood floor wax that is solvent-based to the floor.
  • Polish it in the previously scrubbed area.

Wax and Gum

Oh, the dreadful task of attempting to clean a smear of gum or wax off of your hardwood floor! Following these procedures will assist you in removing the stain, regardless of whether it was caused by candle wax, gum, or crayon markers.

  • Put ice cubes inside a bag that can be frozen.
  • Position this bag over the buildup of gum or wax.
  • Watch as the buildup turns into a fragile state. After that, remove it with a plastic spatula by scraping it.
  • If the spatula removes the wax, the finish can be restored by reapplying the polish with a gentle cloth.

  • Guidelines for the Maintenance and Cleaning of Prefinished Hardwood Floors

If you are not already familiar with the precautions to take, you will not be able to learn how to clean prefinished hardwood floors. If you use the incorrect cleaning chemicals on prefinished hardwood floors, you risk destroying their opulence and sheen.

During professional cleanings, the floor cleaning experts at Luxury Cleaning NYC employ these measures to protect it from scratches and preserve it in good condition. Try them out for yourself.

Clear up the Mess as Soon as Possible.

As soon as the spill occurs, immediately begin cleaning it up. A fall allowed to sit for a more extended period on hardwood floors may leave an enormous stain.

  • Take a clean, soft cloth made of microfibre and gently blot up the spill.
  • Do not vigorously scrub the spill; this will allow the liquid to spread throughout the floors.
  • Repeat dabbing the spill until most of the liquid has been absorbed.
  • Use a dry cloth to wipe away any excess liquid that is still present.

Deal with the stains that are still there.

Some liquids, like coffee and juice, leave behind stains after they’ve been spilled. The following is a strategy for dealing with them:

  • Apply some water to a cotton rag or a soft sponge and wring it off.
  • Use this sponge to dab at the stain gently.
  • If water alone isn’t cutting it, reach for a product designed specifically for hardwood floors. Clean the spill with a high-pH cleaner if it is oily or greasy.
  • A dry microfiber section can absorb the moisture left behind by water or the surface cleaner.

Always go in the same direction as the wood grain.

When you wipe your floor with a moist cloth, do you notice water marks appearing on it? This is because you are cleaning in a direction that is perpendicular to the wood grain.

To avoid these stains, clean them in the same direction as the wood grain. If you do this, any water stains that are already there might become less noticeable.

Floor Protectors should be used.

Even while this is not a technique for cleaning your floors, it can help keep them from getting soiled in the first place. Felt furniture covers can be purchased from your neighborhood hardware or home improvement store and should be placed underneath furniture such as chairs.

You may also purchase felt coverings to place under appliances like your refrigerator designed to sit on the floor. These protectors will keep your hardwood floors from becoming scratched or damaged in any other way.

The process of attaching felt pads to furniture is broken down in this short and easy-to-understand video that can be seen on YouTube.

FAQs Regarding the Cleaning of Prefinished Hardwood Floors

How Is Vinegar Supposed to Be Used to Clean Prefinished Hardwood Floors?

A gallon of warm water should have a half cup of white vinegar added to it. Clean the hardwood floors in your home using a mop made of microfiber and this mixture.

Baking soda and vinegar can weaken the polyurethane finish on hardwood floors. Thus, some flooring experts recommend against using them even if they are effective stain removers when cleaning hardwood floors.

How Should a Cleaning Solution Be Employed When Cleaning Prefinished Hardwood Floors?

You should never use harsh cleaning products such as pine oil, chlorine bleach, undiluted vinegar, or ammonia when cleaning hardwood floors.

Instead, a commercial cleaner created especially for prefinished hardwood floors would be best. For example, many choices are available, including Murphy Oil Soap and Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner.

How Can Prefinished Hardwood Floors Get Their Shine Back?

You may bring back the shine to your hardwood floor by adding a coat of wax to the flat area. When applying the wax, you should do so with a gentle cloth.

When Cleaning Hardwood Floors, What Can I Do to Prevent Streaks?

Streaks are frequently the result of using excessive soap and a filthy mop. If you rinse your mop often, dirt and soapy water will be released into the bucket, preventing streaking.

The second step is to mop the floor in small parts so that unclean water does not dry out on the floor. If it’s necessary, you should swap to a different pad.

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