SOC401 Quiz No 01 Solution – Virtual University All quizzes Solution 2021

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SOC401 Quiz No 01 Solution

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SOC 401



Which of the following theory is influenced by cultural relativism and ethnoscience?

a) Interpretive Anthropology

b) Postmodernism

c) Cultural Materialism

d) French Structuralism


Which one of the following works without any external compulsion or the idea of getting something immediately?

a) Redistribution

b) Negative reciprocity

c) Balanced reciprocity

d) Generalized reciprocity


Which one of the following is NOT a dysfunctional aspect of culture?

a) Pollution

b) Child labor

c) Discrimination

d) Traveling


Which type of interviews involve a minimum of control?

a) Structured

b) Participant

c) Unstructured

d) Semi-structured


The process of learning culture is called ___.

a) Enculturation

b) Acculturation

c) Socialization

d) Adoption

Attitudinal and behavioral data Is collected through which of the following method?

a) Interview

b) Questionnaire

c) Focus group discussions

d) Observation


Which on the following technique is required to provide solid methodological base emphasizing the need for empirical evidence?

a) Direct fieldwork

b) Survey

c) Case history

d) Observation


Collecting basic demographic data at the initial stages of fieldwork is known as ___.

a) Document Analysis

b) Data Collection

c) Census taking

d) Genealogies


According to cultural evolutionist theory, the earliest forms of humanity was surviving on fruits and nuts, this stage is called as:

a) Lower savagery

b) Middle savagery

c) Upper savagery

d) Lower savagery

Free-market economics, free trade, and competition are all ingredients of:

a) Universalism

b) Communism

c) Socialism

d) Globalization


Which of the following method allow a researcher to study non-verbal behavior?

a) Non-participant observation

b) Content analysis

c) Participant observation

d) Historical analysis


Which one of the following process led men to move away to the cities in order to earn more cash, often leaving women behind to undertake agricultural work?

a) Urbanization

b) Communism

c) Socialization

d) Globalization


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