Great Gatsby PDF

Great Gatsby PDF

My father offered me some advice when I was younger and more impressionable, and I have been thinking about it ever since. He advised me to keep in mind that not everyone in the world has had the same advantages as you whenever I felt like criticizing someone.

Great Gatsby PDF

He did not say anything more, but I knew he meant much more because we have always been exceptionally guarded in our communication. As a result, I tend to withhold all judgments, a practice that has both made me the target of many veteran bores and opened my eyes to many intriguing natures.

Because the abnormal mind is quick to pick up on this trait and associate it with a normal person, I was wrongfully suspected of being a politician in college because I had access to the private problems of wild, unknown males. The majority of the confidences were unasked for.

I have often pretended to be sleepy, distracted, or an antagonistic lightheartedness when I saw, through some clear indication, that a private revelation was trembling on the horizon—for young men’s private revelations, or at least the words they choose to convey them, are typically plagiaristic and tainted by blatant suppressions.

A matter of infinite hope is the preservation of judgments. Despite my father’s snooty suggestion that the essential decencies are distributed unequally at birth, I still have a slight fear of missing anything if I forget that.


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