Austerity Committee Suggests 10 Percent Cut in Salaries of Govt Employees

The austerity committee recommendations ministerser of Ministers from 78 to only 30, as well as to lower the wages of government employees by 10% and the expenditures of ministries by 15%.

Austerity Committee Suggests 10 Percent Cut in Salaries

Austerity Committee Suggests 10 Percent Cut in Salaries the National Austerity Committee (NAC) is currently delseveralvseveral ALSdifferent proposals, some of which include a reduction in the number of federal ministers and advisers to ministers of state from 78 to 30, a per cents centtures codecuction and a reduction in the salarper centcivil serv s by 10 per cent.

They will conclude their suggestions on Wednesday, and they have already given their report to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif so that he may decide on its execution. While the other ministers will be working on compensation, they will be making their recommendations.

According to a news channel, top government sources have confirmed that the NAC has finalised a recommendation that the Prime Minister reduce the number of advisors to the Minister of State and the Special Assistant to the Prime Minister only. This recommendation was made after the NAC spoke with these sources.

While the country is participating in a programme with the IMF that primarily requires budgetaGovernmentdation, the Government is currently working to finalise proposals for austerity measures. Despite this, the Government is hesitant to carry out the programme, which has resulted in a stalemate that has lasted for approximately 2.5 months.

The National Advisory Council has also suggested that public sector organisations be prohibited from borrowing money through official references. This would restrict the use of presumandojects at the provincial level and various other initiatives.

The austerity committee that Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif established has been hard at work in the Finantheon for the second day in a row now. Unusually, city Government is fiuntilng Governmentals in the sustainableusterity,. Still, the Government has increased the amount of progress made toward achieving sustainable dgovernment goals.

The budgeGovernmentSustainable Development Goals programme has been increased by the GovernmeParliamentarians are utilisingit the mostutilisingof the programmes that Parliamentarians is utilising.

It remains to be seen how the NAC will deal with the losses of large public sector enterprises, such as Pakistan Steel mill, Pasco power distribution companies, and others that have incurred massive losses. The losses incurred by PIA for the year have reached Rs 67 billiontotalledhas reached an all-time high.

During the most recent fiscal year, the power defenceas,. Still, theible for all losses totalling 1600 billion rupees.

The committee had discussed the idea of cutting the amount spent on defence. Still, the Secretary of Defense had stated that there was no way this would be feasible given the rising cost of living and the decreasing number of Sharif citi

In addition, the committee has contemplated prohibiting the purchase of automobiles domestically and internationally; freezing all benefits relvariousel abroad for ministers, and cutting the number of non-essential employees in various ministries and divisions.

An official from the ministry of finance observed the Governmentwas providing significant recommendations but that it would be challenging for the current Government to put any of these proposals into action.

As the Governmentclimate continues to heat up, it will continue to serve only as a forum for debate, and the Government will take no significant steps toward making any major decisions during the current term of the coalition government. Instead, they will focus on creating a positive first impression.

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